New Teaching Method

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1.1              Issue Background
Rich but Poor. Indonesia is a rich country having many natural wealth. Unfortunetely, it is not supported by quality of human resources sufficient so the abundant natural wealth is unable to be maximized even we need help for other country to cultivate our wealth. This proved that our country was poor in term quality of human resource although in terms of quantity, Indonesia has high population and became the country with the fourth largest population in the world. Indonesia is left behind if it is compared with other developing countries such as Singapore and Brunei. There are many factors causing Indonesia left behind and the main reason is the quality of education inadequate, especially learning method applied. Since colonization era, Indonesia was applying conventional education system adapted from Netherlands because in the past Indonesia was colonized by Netherlands during 350 years. Theorical and Passive was learning method used until now. The goverment had tried to change the learning method into active learning by using KTSP curriculum although the realization was not running well.
The student need a new method in order to they are comfortable and happy to study. All this time, they are bored when they have to listened theory delivered by teacher everyday even they think that studying is burden that makes them scared and depressed. So that i am designing a new method with interactive learning concept where every student is required to seek information actively. The teacher has impotant role to realize this concept because they have to be able to change the student’s mindset so they are always interested to study and consider that studying is necessary. 

1.2              Problem Formulation
Based on the issue background, the problems discussed can be formulated as flows:
1.      How learning method are applied in Indonesia?
2.      How learning method should be applied in Indonesia?

1.3              Purpose
1.      For writer
This article is intended to fulfill the tasks assigned by the tutor, improving writing skills and an understanding of learning methods.
2.      For Reader
This article is structured so readers know about the teaching methods applied in Indonesia and new method that the author is planned.

1.4                Limitation of Problems
To clarify the scope of discussion, the issues discussed is limited to the problem:
1.      This article only discuss about learning method that are widely used in junior high school and senior high school.
2.      This article only discuss about new method that is made by writer.


2.1              Learning Method in Indonesia
Since colonization era, Indonesia was applying conventional education system adapted from Netherlands because in the past Indonesia was colonized by Netherlands during 350 years. Theorical and Passive was learning method used until now. Since independent, Indonesia had changed the education curriculum as many as thirteen times. In 1947 to 2004, concept of learning method applied by Indonesian goverment was conventional methode where learning process was more theory than practice so student tend to be passive. However, in 2006, The goverment tried to change the learning method into active learning by using KTSP 2006 curriculum and 2013 curriculum although the realization was not running well.
Actually, in KTSP 2006 curriculum and 2013 curriculum, the goverment had applied modern education system where teachers have to persuade their student to actively think and look for information that needed. Nevertheless, the most teacher do not have knowledge about learning method that is compalible so they were teaching by using conventional manner although some teachers are able to applying modern education system and make the student more active to learn.

2.2              Intractive – Creative Learning Method
Intractive – creative learning method is a learning method requiring the student to observe and solve a problem actively. This method is able to applying when teacher, student and goverment collaborate well. The goverment have to provide the good education facility so learning process can be running well. The teacher has obligation to give briefing to student so they aware that studying is a necessary not a burden, not only that, a teacher have to be able to attract the attention of his student. The student also has important role because the benchmark of education is student quality. A education system is told success when the student is able to compete in international and has good quality. So the main point of interactice-creative learning method is make student more active to look for information and solve a problem. In order to the method is able to applying well, there are some rules that you should understand.
1.        In a class should consist by maximum 20 students.
2.        The teacher have to know about the characteristic of student.
3.        The teacher should be able to control condition in class.
After all of the rules have completed, we are able to implement the method.

2.2.1        Interactive
Interactive is relation or interaction between student and teacher where they interact and give feedback each other actively. In this method, the teacher invite the student to look for information needed, interact with his frinds, discuss a topic, observe a problem and solve it so student know that learning is necessary dan they will be fun to study.

2.2.2        Creative
Creative is commit something with different way. Every teacher have to be able to provide the interested learning for their student. The teacher can use a game as learning media moreover in modern era there are many technology that we can use to support the education such us powerpoint, social media and application.

2.2.3        Applying
There are some step to implement the method,
1.      Observer the condition of students
The teacher should know the characteristic each student, it is the important to make condusiv condition in class. Generally, there are two types of human, interovert and exterovert. The Somene with interovert character prefer to do something alone while the exterovert people would rather study together. So the teacher has the important role to make the srudent comfort and fun.
2.      Devide in a Group
Studying together is the good method to make the student more active. The teacher have to devide the student in a group where every group consist of 4 to 5 student.
3.      Explain in the Little Portion
Before give a topic, the teacher have to give a little explanation about the topic. For example, we want to study about sicient, especially about global waring, so the teacher have to expalain the definition of global warming in general and give information about what student should look for.
4.      Discuss and solve
The teacher give a problem for student to be solved and each group will get deffirent problem/topic. The student that have been diveded in each group have to discuss and solve the problem given by the teacher.
5.      Presentation and question
After the student discuss about the topic and success to solve it, they have to present their result and every audience will give a question.
6.      Reward
The teacher will give reward fo the best gruop and punishment for looser. it has purpose to increase the creativity of student and make student more spirit.


3.1              Conclution
Based on the description of discussion “interactive – creative learing method” can be concluted that :
1.      The most learning method in Indonesia is theorical and passive
2.      The student in Indonesia consider that studying is a burden.
3.      Changing mindset of student is important to increase the quality of education. Studying should become a necessary.
4.      Interactive by using game is the best method to make student fun
5.      The teacher have to creative to give fun learning for student.
6.      Technology will be able to support the learning process if we can use well.
7.      Practice and observation is the god way to make stident interest and more active to look for information.

3.2              Sugesstion
The education system in indonesia is still less is it compared with the other country. We are a indonesian people so we should help indonesia to advance by studying, training and improving ability. The teacher also has important role to increace the education quality so they have to improve their knowledge, especially about teaching method.

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