Strategy of Getting Best Life



1.1        Issue Background
What is the goal of your life?. What is Succeed?. Have you gotten it?. Everyone certainly was confused when was asked about the motivation of his life. They never had clear purpose even seemed not care. The most people strived everyday with a reason for happiness, but in reality they not really had a definite purpose and strategy. Their life is flat, just follow the flow of life and never make changes. In other side, some people just attempted to earn much money because sized up that success was obtaining everything and being a rich man. Moreover in modern era, a lot of people measured the success just by wealth. They considered that someone having abundant treasure, much money, sport cars and many companies is successful people althuogh it is not always true perception. Some rich people are not necessarily happy with what they have whereas they who live moderate might be happier.
Actually, success was not a rich man having everything, but success was able to sweep up a dream, life with happiness and feel adequate. Everyone has different perception about success because they have dissimiliar goal and wish, so the definition of success depend on the opinion of each person. For success, we have to know about our dream, purpose and desire. If we do not have a dream or do not know what success is, how can we possibly create it?. We should make planning what we will do to gain the best life, so maping out the vision and mission is important to render our action increasingly clear. Of the above problem, the author elevate “Strategy of Getting Best Life” as the title of this article.

1.2        Problem Formulation
Based on the issue background, the problems discussed can be formulated as flows:
1.      What is the Succeed?
2.      How the strategy to Get the Best Life?

1.3        Purpose
1.      For writer
This article is intended to fulfill the task assigned by the tutor, improving writing skills, understanding about strategy of getting best life and appliying in the real life.
2.      For Reader
This article is structured so readers know about definition of succeed according to author, understanding about strategy of getting best life and give motivation to readers.

1.4        Limiting Problem
To clarify the scope of discussion, the issues discussed is limited to the problem:
1.      This article only discuss about definition of success according to author.
2.      This article only explain about the strategy of getting best life that author makes.


2.1        Success
The most of people contend that success is a rich man having abundant treasure, sport cars and expensive gadget. Some people assume that success is when someone is able to become a something that he want even others argue that success is obtain everything they want, it is impossible. Everyone exactly has dreams or desires, but not all of them can be applied. Sometimes we are able to reach what we want, but we also often fail. Are we thinking like that, No one in the world is success, because everyone certainlty ever fail to earn something. Success or best life is when someone feels adequate and happy with his life. They are able to do anything that they want without burden.

2.2        Strategy
There are several strategies that we have to draw up before we step over to get the best life, because without strategy will be difficult to realize :
1.      Know what success is
Knowing about the Success is the imortant thing to obtain the best life. If we do not know what success is, how can we possibly create it?. Everyone has different perception about success so we should to know about success according to ourself.

2.      Prepare your Intention
Evrything depands on the intention. We should prepare our intention in our heart. Good intention will help us to obtain our dream easier not only that we must have strong intention, because with strong intention we will not give up easily although we gain many problem in our life.

3.      Set Goals or Dreams
After we know about definition of success, we should also know about our purpose in the future, we have to make a purpose list. You can write everything that you want in a paper and save it.  We must have many dreams, because with dream we will be more spirit to struggle and motivate ourselve.

4.      Imagine your dream
Imagine the dream become important thing in strategy of getting best life. If we imagine every goal that we want to achieve, we will really belife that we are able to obtain it.

5.      Try to Realize
Althoug only one step, attempting is the best way to consummate your purpose. If you have a purpose, you should really try to make it happen. For example, you want to hajj, but you still did not have rarely money, so what should you do?. You have to make a little step, buying the one of equipments of hajj. It will make you motivated to realize.

6.      Studying and increasing ability
We have to study and improve our ability, if we want to get the dream easier. Study must not be in the formal education, we can learn about anything such as economy, education, relation, business and attitude. Someone with many experience will earn his dream easier then someone with little experience and knowledge.

7.      Respect with your Parent
Parents is important figure in our life, even in islamic religion respect with parents is obligation that we should really do it. Parents blessing will make us success because the God blessing depands on the parents blessing.
8.      Make the Relation
Relation is very influence to our life. If we have many relations, it will help you to obatain your dream, when we get some problem, they are able to help us. So, how to make relation is important. We should learn about how to speak with partners and make they interest with us.

9.      Do the Kindness
Why we must do the kindness?. There is a quote said that what we are planting, it is that we will reap. We will earn somthing good do we kindness otherwise we will gain something bad if we do badness.

10.  Pray and resignation
Everything in the world is belong to God, Allah SWT. Everyone just is able to plan, but the end result depend on God. Although someone have done the best to gain his dream but if God do not allow, it will not be happen. Pray and resignation is important after we have commited the best.


3.1        Conclution
Based on the description of discussion “strategy of getting best life” can be concluted that :
1.      Everyone has the different definition of success.
2.      We have to know about our purpose and dreams
3.      We have to make the best stategy to obtain the best life.

3.2        Suggestion
Getting the best life is people’s dream. But most of people did not know how to realize their dream. For get it, the first, we have to know about our purpose and make the best strategy.

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